The Book Bindery

The Hobbit

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Examples of our work

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"A well bound book is neither of one type, nor finished, so that its highest praise is that, had it been made by a machine it could not have been made better. It is individual; it is instinct with the hand of him who made it; it is pleasant to feel, to handle, and to use, it is the original work of an original mind, working in freedom simultaneously with hand and heart and brain to produce a thing of use, which all time shall agree ever more and more also to call 'a thing of beauty."

T. J. Cobden-Sanderson

This site's contents and imagery are copyright 2013 of Tom O'Reilly.
This site is based on the Fluid 960 Grid System, created by Stephen Bau, which is based on the 960 Grid System by Nathan Smith.